Thursday, July 16, 2009

Guest Bloggers: Carter & Finn

Hi, it's Carter and Finn! We showed our Auntie a website called Wordle and we started to try and figure out how to get it onto Auntie's blog. We used her blog to make a Wordle for you that we'll post tomorrow. And then we thought we should put some pictures we took today on Auntie's camera of us with Alice. Alice is cute and very cuddly and she waddles around wherever she goes. When she's going down the stairs she has a weird thing where she puts her paws on one half of the step and the back of her body on the other side of the step so she's going down sideways. She does that because she's like a long squirmy noodle with eyes and four paws and a tail.

I love animals, nature, exercise and sword fighting.

I love candy and skateboarding.

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