Thursday, January 10, 2008

St. Someone

A snowy blowy day in dawson. We rarely get wind. Everything was blue and white.
No need to change the whitebalance on the camera cuz it's perfect like so.

On Thursdays i spend my afternoons at the thrift store with Dorothy and Aldene (D. in her flannel jacket & smock, A. with silver braids).
Sorting. And always tea at half time: a big Brown Betty pot and Ziggy or Far Side mugs. Aldene spends every afternoon at the shop.
Today there was whitery. i found:
- a framed set of hand painted Ukrainian eggs! nestled between intestinal folds of white velvet squished in a little hand made shadowbox.
- a white wool sweater, fulled tonight for tea cozy and a hot water bottle cover.
- an elderly little porcelain kittie.

Before heading there Magsie and i had a snug.
Hey, Little!
she's got serious cabin fever.

and these, from my recently tidied studio:
little Chinese shoes of pink velvet

little Inuit moccasins of sealskin and felt w/ glass beaded clovers

navy felt boot liners w/ red seam binding

The hat pins came from a special special second-hand shop I thought only existed in my dreams:
'The Little Shop' (even the name's the same in my dreams). Kerry Byrne took me there when I was in Mtl. in November.
Kerry just finished a graphic novel illustrating a woman's long walk home to Russia from New York City. It's a thing of true beauty and sensitivity. Oh, to see it bound! Can't wait. I'll see if i can get some images to show you.
The pins are poked into an exquisitely coloured felt piano hammer - one of a panel (of a hundred-odd) that Chas found under the house before we moved in in Dec. Once we get the walls painted white the thing'll go up.

1 comment:

Oliver said...

good good good. its all so good. the photos, the magpie, the fucking twotoed slippers!!!!!!!!!!