Friday, November 24, 2017


Fashion's most independent designer, whose work was more architecture and sculpture ("I dress women directly on their body, by intuition") than fashion. 

He dedicated his life to the belief that fashion was more than just garments; to him, they were as much an element in the empowerment of women and of a broader cultural conversation. He used leather and knits to shape and support the body, transforming it into the best version of itself. He eschewed external decoration for internal integrity, weaving pattern and adornment into the weft of the garment itself in ways that were almost undetectable to the outside eye.

His introduction to art came from Madame Pinot, a midwife who helped birth the children in his family, including him. "She gave me books and pamphlets to art exhibitions" and, against his father's wishes, registered him at the School of Fine Arts in Tunis.

AA passed away suddenly last weekend at age 82.

watch a 26 minute untitled homage to Azzedine Alaïa. 

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